TikTok Aims and Strategy

With TikTok becoming the most downloaded and most used social media of our time, our move to TikTok was inevitable. Here’s what we have planned:

  • Upload at least one video a week to begin with
  • Convert popular written content on the site to video content
  • Upload videos at least a minute in length for monetisation purposes (more on that later)
  • No/low-budget, phone-recorded videos that mirror the DIY ethic of TikTok, but with content still of high quality being informative and entertaining
  • Content which reinforces our brand identity
  • If possible, TikTok has a shop option where we can sell any of our products (if we have them)

Here’s what we are aiming to achieve:

  • Latch onto the algorithm for our target audience, and attract new audiences 
  • Convert viewers into followers, and followers into readers
  • Expose the Culture Calling brand to the biggest audience possible by brandishing our logo and name across the videos
  • Give our current audience another way to experience what Culture Calling has to offer
  • Get to 1000 followers by the end of the year to begin the monetisation phase
  • Build up a healthy amount of videos, so that if/when we recruit an influencer or pay to promote our content, they can work from a pre-established framework and audiences will have more to browse with on our page (a good number is between 15 and 30 TikToks to begin with)
  • Once our stats increase and we’re on track to reach 1000 followers, we can potentially start introducing a budget for videos to cover travel and the costs of attending whatever venue we are depicting in our videos

Here’s what the monetisation plan looks like currently 

  • Get to 1000 followers and we can begin ‘branded missions’, essentially marketing challenges which enables brands to crowdsource content from creators called ‘nano-influencers’ (accounts with over 1k but under 10k followers). This can take the form of musicians or labels paying us to promote their music, for example.
  • We can also become part of the TikTok shop affiliate program, essentially product placement for commission
  • To remain a nano-influencer, we (in the UK) need 1k followers and 50 views in the last 28 days (the latter already achieved)
  • Once we get to 10,000 followers and 100,000 views in the last 30 days, we can join TikTok Creator Rewards Program.
  • To start earning, we must priortise making content over 1 minute long, as this is a length requirement that TikTok previously tested in a Creativity Beta program.
  • At 10k followers, brand deals become an attractive option for brands who wish to advertise through us
  • At this point we can also have a swipe up to website feature, allowing viewers to get to the website seamlessly

The exact amount of money we make depends on a dizzying range of factors that even TikTok are quite vague about. There is no exact follower-to-pound or views-to-pound ratio for us to calculate with. However, some pages with around 25k followers have earned around £21k in a year, and brands have reached out to creators with 15k followers (according to Business Insider and Nerdwallet respectively). #

In our first three weeks, here’s what we’ve got so far:

  • 37,000 total views
  • 1.9k likes, 57 comments
  • 190 profile views 
  • 105 new followers


  • 50/50 male female split
  • Most popular age groups are 25 – 34 (23.8%) and 45 – 54 (23.0%)
  • Most popular country is UK (of course), with Romania and USA second and third

As time goes on we will gain a more detailed picture of our demographic, but already we can see the stats are looking positive. 

We already have our niche, our content, our branding, our identity. All we need now is to convert that into TikTok videos and TikTok followers.

Written by Charlie Walker